Saturday, January 2, 2010

COMMUNICATION SKILLS LAB & a few extra things

Yup, we've got this communication skills lab and a whole lotta assignments with it. As they have to be submitted in printout, I'm gonna post all those resume's and letters and whatever is there in the syllabus in my tool which can be found HERE. Feel free to help yourself guys. Tomorrow's post will be resume.

  • Fresher
  • Experienced
I'll probably post two topics per week coz that's how I'll be submitting the assignments. I'll do some subject oriented things too, if possible, a few concepts here and there perhaps. Lol.

Yesterday I got a few books.
  • The Secret
  • The Host
  • Wings of Fire
Lets see what I can make of them. Next on my list are:
  • No onions nor garlic
  • The lost symbol
  • Artemis Fowl
I"ll do a review as well and new moon sucks. Big time.


Chris said...

The Host sucks as well. And finally! You agree that new moon sucks. :) Good job on the resumes and stuff. I'll need it. B)

Sakura said...
