Sunday, January 9, 2011


And so it begins.. every new year several resolutions are made with renewed determination. I'm no different from the rest of the world. I usually have a list put up in my room on new years eve and that's about it. I've never read the list twice. Never. This year, I gave up on the list making process and guess what came my way? Things that I can actually resolve to do this new year ^_^ Lets see what they are :)

10 things to help make your new year bright:

1. Leave the hurts of 2010 where they 2010!

2. Make this year the year you make some goals. Goals are dreams with deadlines!

3. Dare to be different in everything you do!

4. Encourage, compliment or say something kind to everyone you talk to.

5. Live like a leader...not a follower.

6. Stop avoiding confrontation. Take control of your life and deal with all things you want to change and the ways that people treat you.

7. Make a change- in anything, relationships, your hair, career, friends.

8. Only have friends that make you a better person...some negative, rude, depressing friends, that make you feel bad...may need to stay in 2010! (ha ha ha)

9. Dare to live life and make choices even if your not promised the outcome. (people who have changed the world or accomplished great things...did things without knowing if it would work or not!)

10. Expect greatness, seek happiness, and don't let any circumstance, person, or situation steal your joy. You are the owner of your happiness...don't just let any ol' thing or person take it from you!

I found this in KANDEE's blog and you can read the original post here :

Hope for the NEW YEAR! (click on it)

There's a really cute video too!! make sure you watch it!! ^_^

Once again, Happy New Year guys!!! :)

1 comment:

Alohomora! said...

AMAAAAAAZING list you have here! Particularly loved point number four - trust me, most people don't really get round to doing it, and if they do, they can't say it like they mean it caz they don't - but the best part is when u actually find something nice to compliment in everyone, and make their days - seeing the joy on their face itself will make your day made mine! :)