Sunday, February 13, 2011


I read this post in KANDEE'S blog and thought I would share with you all ^_^

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

( wise words everyone should have taped on their mirror ha ha ha)

Imagine how great our days would be if everyone we talked to said kind, inspiring things....and didn't say anything rude, sarcastic, or mean!?!

This is a dare...or rather this is our mission, if you choose to accept it:

Today (go crazy..make it everyday)...stop yourself when you start to say anything that isn't positive, kind, or anything slightly gossip-y....
and only say things that have a positive spin, are kind, happy and encouraging.....
watch how YOU will not only feel happier...but so will everyone that is around you!
they will leave happier for having talked to you!

spread some kindess...and extra "thank you so much" or "have an awesome day!"....or real compliment to brighten someone's day up!

you are wonderful and the happiness in your heart is like a flower with seeds that are waiting to be thrown all grow more happiness in other people's hearts!

Go out there gorgeous and shine that beauty that's inside....your friends, Kandee & Sakura :)

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