Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Off to a sluggish start

It’s been 5 days since I vowed to work out and diet.
I did walk and jog..well.. kind of, during the first two days and I did stick to a healthy diet, except on Saturday evening . On the eve of this frustrating day, the office bus dropped me at the MTC bus stop at 7.30pm and I was very happy that I was going to reach home early (the usual time being 9pm. I know, I can hear your gasps). Alas! Fate decided against it. The MTC to my route came only at 8.30pm and I got home only at 9 :( I was so angry when I entered the house that I blindly gulped down two Gulab Jamuns (an action which I regret now *sob* *sob*).
Yesterday my friend and I firmly decided that we would start walking/jogging from Monday. I was happy because my friend, who usually preferred walking along in the streets, agreed to walk with me at the local park. I hate jogging in the streets early in the morning because of three disturbing factors: the stray dogs, the garbage and the traffic.
The stray dogs:
At 5am when you set out for a walk, a lone stray dog starts to bark at you from the darkness of the roadside. Suddenly, out of the blue, it starts chasing you while barking madly and before you know what’s happening you’ll be running down street after street with a whole gang of Resident Evil dogs at your feet. Though my friend says things like that won’t happen, I’m definitely not up for an encounter of THAT kind x_x
The garbage:
Due to over population and various other reasons, the city’s garbage dumps are not sufficient for dumping garbage. Hence all the smelly unidentifiable stuff overflows onto the road and at the wee hours of the morning with no sunlight and scarce street lights, you won’t know what you are stepping on *shudders*.
The traffic:
I know what you are wondering dear readers. What kind of traffic does one expect to see that early in the morning? This is the heart of the city we are talking about. With two major railway stations that deploy trains to the rest of the state and country, you can imagine the crowd that will gather 24*7. And hence the traffic.
I’ll wrap up for now. Planning to jog tomorrow :) Will update soon ^_^

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